Saturday, February 5, 2011

My favorite animal :D

All the people have at least one animal that identify himself or herself, and I am not the exception.
My favorite animal it is the dog, I identify with the dog because when you have this animal it becomes your best friend, your best confident.
I have 3 beautiful dogs, they are my everything, now they have become part of my family because they have earned the affection of everyone of my family members.
So what is your favorite animal? Tell me!
Love & Peace


  1. andrea, follow my blog, is

  2. ahhwnnn' so cuute *w*
    my favorita animal is the hamster :3 I know your dogs and they're adorable :D

  3. Thank you guys! the hamsters are so spongy hahahahha i like them

  4. Wow! I like your little dog!
    Well.. my favorite animal is the Tiger! haha Yes the Tiger.. and special the white one! wow it's such a beautiful animal! :)
